Environmental Impacts of Lithium Mining and Extraction

Discover the environmental impacts of lithium mining and extraction, and how Lithium Harvest turns wastewater into a sustainable solution.


The growing demand for renewable energy and the transition to electric vehicles have significantly increased the need for lithium, a vital component in producing batteries. However, the extraction and processing of lithium have raised concerns about their environmental impact. This blog post aims to explore the environmental consequences of lithium mining and extraction while highlighting Lithium Harvest's innovative solution, which utilizes wastewater as a sustainable approach.

It is important to note that the severity of these environmental impacts can vary depending on the location, mining practices, and regulatory measures in place. However, developing sustainable alternatives to traditional lithium extraction, such as the approach proposed by Lithium Harvest, is crucial to mitigate these environmental consequences and pave the way for a greener and more responsible lithium industry.

Table of contents: 

Traditional Lithium Mining & Environmental Consequences

  1. Land and Water Degradation: Lithium mining typically involves extracting lithium-rich ores from the earth, which can lead to deforestation, soil erosion, and habitat destruction. Open-pit mining, the most common method, requires vast amounts of land, disrupting ecosystems and displacing wildlife. Moreover, the extraction process often requires large quantities of water, potentially straining local water supplies and depleting natural sources.
  2. Water Contamination: During lithium extraction, chemicals are used to separate lithium from other elements, posing a risk of water contamination. These chemicals can enter nearby water bodies if not adequately managed, contaminating rivers, streams, and groundwater. This pollution can harm aquatic life, compromising biodiversity and harming local communities that rely on clean water sources.
  3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The energy-intensive nature of lithium extraction contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. The process involves high-temperature roasting, using fossil fuels in transportation and electricity generation, and the release of carbon dioxide during chemical reactions. These emissions further exacerbate climate change, one of the challenges we seek to address with renewable energy solutions.
  4. Air Pollution: Lithium mining and extraction processes can release various pollutants into the air. Dust and particulate matter generated from mining operations can contribute to air pollution, leading to respiratory issues for humans and wildlife in nearby communities. Additionally, using diesel-powered machinery and vehicles during mining activities emits pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide, further contributing to air pollution and acid rain formation.
  5. Energy Consumption: Traditional lithium extraction methods are energy-intensive, requiring significant amounts of electricity for processes like crushing, grinding, and chemical separation. The energy required for these operations often comes from non-renewable sources, such as coal-fired power plants. The reliance on fossil fuel-based energy exacerbates carbon emissions and intensifies the carbon footprint associated with lithium production.
  6. Soil Contamination: During the extraction process, chemicals used to separate lithium from the ore can seep into the soil, causing soil contamination. This contamination can affect soil fertility and disrupt natural ecosystems, impacting vegetation growth and soil microorganisms. In turn, compromised soil quality may lead to reduced agricultural productivity and further ecosystem degradation.
  7. Visual Impact and Aesthetics: Open-pit lithium mining operations leave behind scars on the landscape, altering the natural beauty of the surrounding environment. The massive excavations and mining infrastructure can significantly impact the visual aesthetics of the area, potentially affecting tourism, recreation, and cultural values tied to the land.


See the different lithium extraction methods

Assessing the Carbon Impact: CO₂ Emissions in Lithium Mining Methods

Lithium Harvest is leading the charge toward a sustainable future with our carbon-neutral approach, which is especially crucial considering the substantial CO₂ emissions in the lithium mining industry. On average, the industry emits approximately 35.2 tonnes of CO₂ per tonne of Lithium. To put this into perspective, traditional methods of lithium extraction emit significant CO₂:

  • Lithium Carbonate (Brine): Approximately 2.8 tonnes of CO₂ emissions per tonne of Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE).
  • Lithium Carbonate (Hard Rock): Around 9.6 tonnes of CO₂ emissions per tonne of LCE.
  • Lithium Hydroxide (Brine): Emissions are about 5.7 tonnes of CO₂ per tonne of LCE.
  • Lithium Hydroxide (Hard Rock): Significantly higher at approximately 17.1 tonnes of CO₂ per tonne of LCE.

In this context, Lithium Harvest's commitment to a carbon-neutral process is not just an innovation; it's a necessary step towards a greener and more responsible lithium mining industry. Learn more about our carbon footprint in the section below.

Hard Rock Mining

Technological Benchmark

Our Innovation Surges Ahead of Competitors

Lithium Harvest Lithium Extraction Technology

Lithium Harvest Solution

Direct Lithium Extraction Plant

DLE from Brine

Solar Evaporation Brine Extraction

Solar Evaporation Brine Extraction

Hard Rock Mining

Hard Rock Mining

Feedstock Produced water Continental brine / geothermal Continental brine Rock / spodumene
Project implementation time 12-15 months 5-7 years 13-15 years 8-10 years
Lithium carbonate production time 2 hours 2 hours 2-3 years 3-6 months
Lithium yield >95% 80-95% 20-40% 6-7%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 1.4 acres 1.4 acres 65 acres 115 acres
System design Modular and mobile Mobile / stationary Stationary Stationary
Environmental impact Minimal Minimal Soil- and water contamination Soil- and water contamination
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 20 million gallons 80 million gallons 550 million gallons 250 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE Neutral 1.5 million kg 5 million kg 15 million kg
Lithium Harvest Lithium Extraction Technology

Lithium Harvest Solution

Feedstock Produced water
Project implementation time 12-15 months
Lithium carbonate production time 2 hours
Lithium yield >95%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 1.4 acres
System design Modular and mobile
Environmental impact Minimal
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 20 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE Neutral
Direct Lithium Extraction Plant

DLE from Brine

Feedstock Continental brine / geothermal
Project implementation time 5-7 years
Lithium carbonate production time 2 hours
Lithium yield 80-95%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 1.4 acres
System design Mobile / stationary
Environmental impact Minimal
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 80 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 1.5 million kg
Solar Evaporation Brine Extraction

Solar Evaporation Brine Extraction

Feedstock Continental brine
Project implementation time 13-15 years
Lithium carbonate production time 2-3 years
Lithium yield 20-40%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 65 acres
System design Stationary
Environmental impact Soil- and water contamination
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 550 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 5 million kg
Hard Rock Mining

Hard Rock Mining

Feedstock Rock / spodumene
Project implementation time 8-10 years
Lithium carbonate production time 3-6 months
Lithium yield 6-7%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 115 acres
System design Stationary
Environmental impact Soil- and water contamination
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 250 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 15 million kg
All numbers are based on 1,000 mt LCE production - Source: Columbia University, IEA, ICMM.

Technology Benchmark - Environmental Impact

Redefining Carbon Footprint in Lithium Extraction

Lithium Harvest is revolutionizing the industry with our environmentally conscious approach, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of lithium extraction. Our unique method eliminates the need for transportation to secondary refining sites. We proudly utilize solar power as our primary energy source, further reducing our environmental footprint. With our low-pressure, low-energy solution, we are also offsetting carbon savings from efficient water handling, making a significant positive impact on the environment.

Minimizing Facility Footprint: A Step Towards Eco-Friendly Practices

Our commitment to the environment extends to our facility's footprint. Lithium Harvest's operations are co-located with produced water treatment facilities, ensuring a minimal environmental impact. Our facilities are designed to be modular and compact, making them easy to integrate and fast to deploy - there is no need for expansive ponds and pipelines. This approach not only saves space but also protects the surrounding environment and wildlife, ensuring no additional environmental disturbance.

Water Conservation: Pioneering Sustainable Practices

At Lithium Harvest, water conservation is a top priority. We proudly boast that over 90% of the water used in our process is reused, emphasizing our commitment to sustainable practices. Our operations do not consume freshwater, ensuring that local water resources remain unpolluted and undisturbed. Additionally, our process does not produce any additional waste products, showcasing our dedication to preserving the planet's most precious resource.

Redefining Green Lithium Extraction

Lithium Harvest vs. Traditional Lithium Mining

Slash EV Emissions Faster with Sustainable Lithium

Learn more about how we cut battery life-cycle emissions by over 50%
Slash EV Emissions Faster With Sustainable Lithium

Revolutionizing Lithium Mining: The Sustainable Solution by Lithium Harvest

At Lithium Harvest, we recognize the urgent need to address the environmental challenges posed by traditional lithium mining. Our cutting-edge technology provides a sustainable alternative that transforms waste into a valuable resource, mitigating the adverse environmental impacts of extraction. Here's why our approach stands as the most sustainable solution in comparison to traditional mining methods:

  1. Repurposing Oilfield Wastewater: Lithium Harvest leverages proven Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) technology combined with advanced water treatment to extract lithium from oilfield wastewater. By repurposing this previously discarded water, we minimize freshwater consumption and reduce the environmental footprint associated with wastewater disposal. This approach contributes to efficient water management and conservation.
  2. Resource Efficiency and Carbon Footprint Reduction: Our sustainable extraction process eliminates the need for extensive land disturbance, minimizing deforestation and soil degradation. Furthermore, our technology significantly reduces energy consumption and associated carbon emissions compared to traditional mining methods. This produces a substantially lower carbon footprint for each metric ton of lithium carbonate.
  3. Circular Economy and Waste Reduction: Lithium Harvest's commitment to sustainability extends beyond extraction. We embrace the principles of the circular economy by transforming waste materials into valuable resources. By effectively utilizing oilfield wastewater, we reduce pollution and minimize waste generation, fostering a more efficient and environmentally responsible approach.

The environmental impacts of traditional lithium mining are undeniable, necessitating a paradigm shift towards sustainable alternatives. Lithium Harvest's cutting-edge technology represents the most sustainable solution available, addressing the ecological concerns associated with traditional mining methods. By repurposing oilfield wastewater, prioritizing resource efficiency, and embracing circular economy principles, we provide a path to meet the global demand for lithium while minimizing environmental harm. Together, let us drive the green energy revolution forward with a commitment to sustainability and a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Learn more about our services
Lithium Harvest Technology For Lithium Extraction