
Forget everything you know about sustainable lithium mining - revolutionize the lithium mining industry with Lithium Harvest.

Check out our sustainability efforts
Lithium Harvest Sustainability Goals

Fueling Greener Lives

In our bustling cities and serene countryside, a quiet revolution is reshaping our world for the better. At Lithium Harvest, we drive this transformation with one powerful idea: "Fueling Greener Lives.“

Imagine a day when engines hum without exhaust, whispering the promise of a cleaner tomorrow. Electric vehicles glide silently through our streets, powered by lithium batteries made from what used to be waste. This is not a distant dream but a reality we are building every day.

Our journey begins deep underground, where we turn waste into a critical resource for the green energy transition. Every drop of processed water gets us closer to a sustainable future, showing our dedication to protecting the environment.

But our journey extends far beyond. It reaches into the lives we touch. Envision families basking in the comfort of clean, reliable energy from advanced lithium batteries, feeling secure even during peak times - imagine entrepreneurs who can foster innovative, sustainable businesses thanks to our solutions. Picture communities where air quality improves as more electric vehicles hit the roads, reducing pollution for those who need it most.

"Fueling Greener Lives" is more than a tagline - it's our passion. It's about making sustainability a part of everyday life. Every battery we help produce, every vehicle we power, and every home we light up is part of this beautiful story. We are not just fueling green energy; we are fueling aspirations, dreams, and a greener future for all.

Our drive for innovation and sustainability keeps us searching for new ways to make a positive impact. We are pioneers in a new era of energy, where waste becomes a resource, and every action is a step towards a greener planet.

Join us on this journey. Together, we can turn the tide against environmental degradation and build a future where "Fueling Greener Lives" is our everyday reality. Let's embrace sustainable lithium extraction and make a lasting difference - one lithium-ion at a time.

We turn wastewater into high-value minerals

  1. Unlocking the value of waste: Transforming produced water into a valuable resource through resource recovery and a circular economy approach.
  2. Energy-efficient and low-carbon footprint: Minimizing environmental impact through advanced technologies and optimized operational efficiency.
  3. Responsible water management: Conserving water resources and minimizing freshwater consumption to support sustainable water practices.
  4. Facilitating the clean energy transition: Enabling the production of sustainable lithium for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage, contributing to climate change mitigation.

Building a Sustainable Future: Our Unwavering Promises

At Lithium Harvest, our promises are the pillars of our unwavering commitment to the planet, our partners, and our people. They shape every decision we make, driving us to foster a sustainable future, cultivate transparent and lasting relationships, and nurture a dynamic, inclusive workplace where innovation and growth flourish. These promises are not just ideals but the foundation of everything we do.

Discover how we are building a sustainable future
  • A Promise to the World

    Our Commitment to a Sustainable and Greener Future

    We are committed to making a lasting, positive impact on our planet through innovative and responsible practices.

    • Circular Economy and Sustainability: We are dedicated to advancing the circular economy by turning waste into valuable resources, striving for zero emissions and zero discharge. Sustainability isn't a goal; it's our way of doing business.
    • Green Energy Transition & Local Manufacturing: We lead the global green energy transition by producing high-quality lithium compounds, ensuring the domestic supply of critical minerals, and promoting economic growth.
    • Equality, Equity, and Innovation: We champion equality and equity, continuously innovate, drive economic growth, and ensure environmental stewardship to accelerate the green energy transition.
  • A Promise to Partners

    Our Commitment to Strong, Transparent, and Dependable Relationships

    We are committed to building trust and fostering collaborative relationships with our partners and communities.

    • Dependability and Commitment: We are dependable and honor our commitments, ensuring timely responses, deliveries, and transparent communication. Our word is our bond.
    • Responsible Management and Accountability: We manage your trust with utmost care, make timely and informed decisions, and maintain accountability in all our actions. Our principle: 'If you wouldn’t invest your grandmother’s pension in it, don’t do it.'
    • Partnership and Community Engagement: We are a strong community partner, investing in local well-being, creating jobs, and supporting joint growth and innovation with our partners.
    • Partnership Experience Excellence: We align our values and goals with yours, delivering quality products and collaborative solutions that drive long-term success and mutual benefits.
  • A Promise to Ourselves

    Our Commitment to a Vibrant, Inclusive, and Innovative Workplace

    We are committed to fostering a diverse, healthy, and creative work environment where everyone can thrive.

    • Equality, Diversity, and Fairness: We uphold equality, embrace diversity, and ensure fairness in all our interactions, creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued. Our employees are the fuel driving the green energy transition.
    • Healthy Work Environment and Family Values: We prioritize the physical and mental health and personal growth of our employees. We are a family supporting each other, ensuring mutual success and support.
    • Innovation and Creativity: We promote a culture of innovation and creativity, making our workplace fun and ambitious and encouraging outside-the-box thinking.

Making Lithium More Sustainable

As the world accelerates towards a low-carbon future, the demand for sustainable lithium has never been more critical. With our patented solutions, we are advancing the transition to decarbonization and renewable energy, providing lithium that is not only among the world’s most sustainable but also competitively priced to drive the green energy transition forward.

Lithium Harvest Lithium Extraction Technology

Lithium Harvest Solution

Direct Lithium Extraction Plant

DLE from Brine

Solar Evaporation Brine Extraction

Solar Evaporation Brine Extraction

Hard Rock Mining

Hard Rock Mining

Feedstock Oilfield wastewater Continental brine Continental brine Rock / spodumene
Project implementation time 12-15 months 5-7 years 13-15 years 8-10 years
Lithium carbonate production time 2 hours 2 hours 2-3 years 3-6 months
Lithium yield >95% 80-95% 20-40% 6-7%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 1.4 acres 1.4 acres 65 acres 115 acres
Environmental impact Minimal Minimal Soil- and water contamination Soil- and water contamination
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 20 million gallons 80 million gallons 550 million gallons 250 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE Neutral 1.5 million kg 5 million kg 15 million kg
Lithium Harvest Lithium Extraction Technology

Lithium Harvest Solution

Feedstock Oilfield wastewater
Project implementation time 12-15 months
Lithium carbonate production time 2 hours
Lithium yield >95%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 1.4 acres
Environmental impact Minimal
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 20 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE Neutral
Direct Lithium Extraction Plant

DLE from Brine

Feedstock Continental brine
Project implementation time 5-7 years
Lithium carbonate production time 2 hours
Lithium yield 80-95%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 1.4 acres
Environmental impact Minimal
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 80 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 1.5 million kg
Solar Evaporation Brine Extraction

Solar Evaporation Brine Extraction

Feedstock Continental brine
Project implementation time 13-15 years
Lithium carbonate production time 2-3 years
Lithium yield 20-40%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 65 acres
Environmental impact Soil- and water contamination
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 550 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 5 million kg
Hard Rock Mining

Hard Rock Mining

Feedstock Rock / spodumene
Project implementation time 8-10 years
Lithium carbonate production time 3-6 months
Lithium yield 6-7%
Average footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 115 acres
Environmental impact Soil- and water contamination
Water consumption per 1,000 mt LCE 250 million gallons
CO₂ footprint per 1,000 mt LCE 15 million kg
Source: Columbia University, IEA, ICMM.

Technology Benchmark - Environmental Impact

Achieving Carbon Neutrality

Our solution eliminates the need to transport materials to distant refining locations, significantly reducing our environmental footprint. Utilizing a low-pressure, energy-efficient process powered primarily by solar energy, we minimize our environmental impact. While our production process does generate a carbon footprint through electricity use, we offset this by reducing the carbon emissions associated with oilfield wastewater disposal. As a result, our operations are effectively carbon neutral, preventing up to 15 million kg of CO₂ emissions for every 1,000 metric tons of lithium carbonate produced compared to traditional mining methods.

Compact Facility Design: Eco-Conscious Operations

Our commitment to sustainability is evident in the thoughtful design of our facilities. Positioned alongside produced water treatment centers, Lithium Harvest’s operations are modular and compact, ensuring easy integration and rapid deployment. Unlike conventional extraction technologies, our facilities do not require large ponds or extensive pipelines, preserving space and protecting local ecosystems. This strategic design minimizes ecological disruption, safeguarding the environment and local wildlife.

Minimal Water Consumption: Protecting Vital Resources

Our process is designed to be water-wise, with no reliance on freshwater. In fact, we not only avoid using fresh water, but we also have the capability to clean oilfield wastewater after lithium extraction, making it suitable for secondary reuse. With over 90% of the water recycled during our extraction process and no waste by-products generated, we are deeply committed to conserving the planet’s vital water resources. Our innovative methods save up to 96% of the water used in traditional lithium mining, equating to over 500 million gallons of water conserved per 1,000 metric tons of lithium carbonate produced.

Turning Big Numbers into Real Impact

What do our sustainability savings really mean?

We know it can be tough to wrap your head around just how much our lithium extraction solution is helping the planet, so let us break it down into everyday terms that hit closer to home:

  • CO₂ Savings

    For every 1,000 metric tons of lithium carbonate produced, we save up to 15 million kilograms of CO₂ emissions. That's like taking 3,261 cars off the road for an entire year! Imagine a small town's worth of cars parked in a garage – that is the kind of emissions we are preventing.

  • Water Savings

    We save up to 500 million gallons of water with each 1,000 metric tons of lithium carbonate produced. To put that in perspective, that is enough water to fill 758 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Or, if you are more of a coffee person, that is about 7.89 billion cups of coffee – talk about a thirst quencher!

  • Battery Lifecycle Emissions

    With Lithium Harvest, an EV powered by our lithium can break even in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions after just 3,500 miles (or 6,000 kilometers). That is like driving from New York to Los Angeles to San Francisco and then some, cutting the distance lithium needs from traditional sources, which would need 11,000 miles (or 18,000 kilometers) to break even.

  • Water and Land Use for Each EV

    For every electric car produced with our lithium, we save between 15 and 20 cubic meters of water – that is enough to fill a small backyard swimming pool – and we free up land equivalent to the size of an average large apartment for each EV produced.

  • Land Use Efficiency

    Our extraction process has a footprint 99% smaller than hard rock mining. While a traditional lithium mine could cover 115 acres (the size of about 86 football fields), we only need 1.4 acres. That is barely enough room for two tennis courts!

The Clock is Ticking: Have You Heard About Earth's Nine Boundaries?

We're committed to protecting them.

At Lithium Harvest, we are acutely aware of our planet's urgent environmental challenges. We aim to revolutionize sustainable lithium extraction, fueling a greener future. To achieve this, it's crucial to understand the broader environmental context in which we operate - a context defined by planetary boundaries.

The planetary boundaries framework, introduced by a group of scientists led by Johan Rockström in 2009, has become a critical tool in sustainability science. It has garnered significant attention within science, policy, and practice. These nine boundaries are essential for ensuring the Earth remains stable, resilient, and capable of supporting human civilization and the diverse life forms we share.

Recent scientific research has highlighted that humanity has breached six of the nine planetary boundaries essential for maintaining Earth's stability and resilience. These boundaries - spanning climate change, biosphere integrity, land-system change, freshwater use, biogeochemical flows, and the introduction of novel entities - define the safe operating space for humanity. Crossing these boundaries threatens the long-term stability of our environment and, consequently, our societies and economies.

Explore the concept of planetary boundaries and why they matter
Planetary Boundaries

Lithium Harvest's Commitment to Planetary Health

Our approach aligns with the planetary boundaries framework by actively reducing the environmental footprint of lithium extraction. We are directly addressing five of the six breached boundaries.

Discover how our technology protects planetary health
  • Climate Change

    Since 2000, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have risen steadily despite international efforts to curb them. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a temporary 3.7% drop in emissions in 2020, but by 2023, they had rebounded by 1.9% from 2022, reaching a record 53.0 gigatons of CO₂ equivalent (Gt CO₂eq). Despite ongoing climate agreements, CO₂ emissions continue to grow globally. These GHGs trap heat in the atmosphere, driving global warming. Human activities are responsible for almost all atmospheric GHG increases over the last 150 years. Switching from ICE vehicles to EVs is one of the most effective strategies for reducing GHG emissions, potentially avoiding 2.6 Gt CO₂ by 2035 globally.

    At Lithium Harvest, our sustainable lithium extraction process is energy-efficient and significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional mining methods. Additionally, by implementing onsite extraction and refining, we eliminate the need for transportation between extraction and processing sites, further reducing costs and the environmental footprint. Focusing on a zero-carbon approach and innovative technology, we help accelerate the green energy transition toward decarbonization.

    Our innovative lithium extraction solution not only cuts the GHG breakeven point for EVs by threefold and reduces battery life-cycle emissions by 47%, but it also saves an impressive 15,000 kg of CO₂ per ton of lithium carbonate produced compared to conventional methods. By providing sustainable, fast-to-market, and low-cost lithium, we are speeding up the global shift to renewable energy and decarbonization, ensuring that the transition to electric vehicles is more environmentally friendly and economically viable.

  • Biosphere Integrity

    Unlike conventional mining, our solution does not require the large-scale destruction of natural habitats. By repurposing industrial by-products, we help preserve biodiversity and the ecosystems that support life on Earth. Our innovative approach ensures that our operations have a 99% smaller footprint than traditional mining practices, a significant step towards protecting biosphere integrity.

    Additionally, our facilities are co-located with produced water treatment plants, meaning that our extraction process integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructure, minimizing any additional impact on the environment and wildlife. This co-location strategy allows us to operate without the need for expansive ponds, pipelines, or other disruptive infrastructure typically associated with lithium mining.

    By eliminating these traditional components, we further reduce our environmental footprint and help protect the habitats of countless species.

  • Land-System Change

    Extensive agriculture, urbanization, and deforestation have drastically altered land use, leading to the degradation of ecosystems and contributing to significant biodiversity loss. At Lithium Harvest, we are acutely aware of these challenges and have designed our operations to have a minimal impact on the land.

    Our lithium extraction facilities are modular and compact and boast a 99% smaller footprint than traditional mining methods. By co-locating our facilities with produced water treatment plants, we ensure that our operations seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructure, avoiding additional environmental and wildlife disruption. This approach eliminates the need for expansive ponds, pipelines, and other intrusive infrastructure commonly associated with traditional mining practices.

  • Freshwater Use

    Water scarcity is a growing global concern, with freshwater use now exceeding safe limits in many regions. At Lithium Harvest, we recognize the critical importance of conserving freshwater resources and have developed a solution that aligns with this urgent need. Our innovative process uses produced water - a by-product that would otherwise be considered waste - thereby significantly reducing the demand for freshwater.

    Our approach achieves over 90% water reuse, ensuring that water is continually recycled within our system. Importantly, our process consumes almost no freshwater and there is no pollution of existing water resources, eliminating the risk of contaminating vital water supplies. Moreover, our method generates no additional waste products, making it a highly efficient and environmentally friendly solution.

    Remarkably, by adopting our technology, we save up to 500,000 gallons of water per ton of lithium carbonate produced compared to traditional methods.

  • Novel Entities

    At Lithium Harvest, a cornerstone of our development strategy has always been to minimize chemical consumption, freshwater use, and energy use. We prioritize technologies that align with these principles to ensure our operations are safe for people and the planet.

    Unlike many DLE technologies that require significant chemical inputs - particularly acids - to desorb (detach) lithium ions from adsorption resins, we have chosen to work with technologies that utilize water for desorption. This choice drastically reduces chemical use and eliminates the need to handle and dispose of large volumes of acid, thereby avoiding the potential environmental harm associated with acid consumption.

    Furthermore, our entire technological process is designed with energy efficiency in mind. We focus on energy saving, reduction, and conservation throughout our operations, ensuring that we not only minimize our carbon footprint but also reduce the introduction of novel entities into the environment.

The fight against climate change is one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. The acceleration of the green energy transition highlights the need for sustainable lithium extraction.

Addressing SDGs for a Greener Future

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all" by 2030. Our company's innovative approach to extracting lithium from wastewater aligns with several SDGs, with a particular focus on 6, 7, and 13.

Both the planetary boundaries and UN SDGs share a common goal:  ensuring the planet's and its inhabitants' long-term health and stability. The planetary boundaries and SGDs are closely related, particularly those focused on environmental sustainability.

How Lithium Harvest Align with Global SDGs

Here's how the two frameworks intersect and how Lithium Harvest's operations contribute to these global goals for environmental sustainability and global development.

See how our technology drives global sustainability goals
  • SDG 6: Clean Water & Sanitation

    Our process of extracting lithium from oilfield wastewater directly addresses the SDG 6 goal of ensuring water and sanitation availability and sustainable management for all. Using wastewater as a resource, we significantly reduce the pressure on freshwater sources, which are becoming increasingly scarce in many parts of the world. This is particularly critical given that nearly 50% of traditional lithium mines are located in high, very high, and arid areas, where water scarcity poses significant environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and climate risks.

    Moreover, our process not only reduces water consumption but also treats wastewater, mitigating the risk of pollution to water bodies and the potential negative impacts of oilfield wastewater on the environment and human health. Compared to traditional methods, our innovative approach saves up to 500,000 gallons of water per ton of lithium carbonate produced and achieves up to 96% lower water consumption.

    Additionally, our process ensures that over 90% of the water used is recycled within our system, further enhancing water sustainability. This commitment to water efficiency and conservation allows us to operate in harmony with the planetary boundary for freshwater use, ensuring that our operations contribute to the sustainable management of this vital resource for future generations.

  • SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

    Our innovative approach directly supports SDG 7, which focuses on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. As lithium is a crucial element in producing batteries for clean energy applications - such as electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems - our sustainable extraction process plays a vital role in the global energy transition.

    By utilizing our patented technology, which is one of the fastest to market and the most cost-effective in the industry, we are revolutionizing how lithium is produced. This allows us to provide a steady supply of lithium that is not only sustainable but also more affordable. Our approach accelerates the development and deployment of clean energy technologies, helping to make renewable energy more accessible and reliable for everyone.

    By driving down costs and reducing environmental impact, we are not just contributing to the energy sector but actively enabling the global shift toward a low-carbon future. Our commitment to efficiency and sustainability ensures we are at the forefront of advancing affordable, clean energy solutions essential for mitigating climate change and fostering long-term global stability.

  • SDG 13: Climate Action

    At Lithium Harvest, our innovative approach to extracting lithium from oilfield wastewater plays a crucial role in supporting SDG 13, which calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Lithium is essential in producing batteries that store renewable energy, a critical factor in reducing global reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

    Our sustainable extraction methods are designed not only to minimize environmental impact but also to actively contribute to global climate mitigation efforts. By focusing on decarbonization and energy efficiency, we help to maintain the Earth's climate within the safe limits of the planetary boundary for climate change, ensuring a stable environment for future generations.

    Since 2000, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have continued to rise, with only a brief decline during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite international agreements, CO₂ emissions have reached alarming levels, driving global warming. Switching from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) is recognized as one of the most effective strategies to reduce GHG emissions, potentially avoiding 2.6 gigatons of CO₂ by 2035 globally.

    Our sustainable lithium extraction process significantly reduces GHG emissions compared to traditional mining methods. By implementing onsite extraction and refining, we eliminate the environmental footprint associated with transportation between extraction and processing sites, further contributing to our zero-carbon approach.

    Our advanced lithium extraction solution shortens the GHG breakeven point for EVs by threefold and reduces the overall battery life-cycle emissions by 47%. This innovative solution saves an impressive 15,000 kg of CO₂ per ton of lithium carbonate produced compared to conventional methods. By delivering sustainable, fast-to-market, and cost-effective lithium, we are accelerating the global transition to renewable energy and decarbonization, ensuring that the shift to electric vehicles is both environmentally and economically viable.

  • The Other SDGs

    In addition to SDGs 6, 7, and 13, our operations at Lithium Harvest support several other SDGs through our commitment to sustainability and responsible resource management:

    SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

    Our patented innovative extraction solution is at the forefront of industry transformation, driving advancements in sustainable practices and reducing environmental impacts. By focusing on innovation, we contribute to SDG 9, which emphasizes building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation.

    SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

    Lithium Harvest is dedicated to sustainable resource management, aligning with SDG 12's goal of promoting responsible consumption and production. Our process is designed to minimize chemical use, reduce waste, and conserve resources, all while supporting the green energy transition.

    Key aspects of our approach include:

    • >90% Water Recycled: We recycle over 90% of the water used, drastically reducing freshwater consumption.
    • >95% Lithium Extraction Yield: Our high-yield extraction process ensures efficient use of resources.
    • Minimal Chemical and Energy Use: We prioritize low chemical and energy consumption, strongly focusing on energy conservation.

    Our technology seamlessly integrates with existing oil and gas operations, enhancing their sustainability footprint while adhering to planetary boundaries. This approach ensures that our operations are both environmentally responsible and highly efficient, contributing to a more sustainable future.

    SDG 15: Life on Land

    Lithium Harvest is committed to protecting terrestrial ecosystems and preserving biodiversity, aligning with SDG 15's goal of promoting sustainable use of ecosystems and halting biodiversity loss. Our innovative lithium extraction process is designed to minimize environmental impact, significantly contributing to biosphere integrity.

    Key aspects of our approach include:

    • Minimal Habitat Disruption: Unlike conventional mining, our process does not involve large-scale destruction of natural habitats. By repurposing industrial by-products, we help preserve the ecosystems that support life on Earth.
    • 99% Smaller Footprint: Our operations have a 99% smaller environmental footprint than traditional mining practices, significantly reducing our impact on land systems and contributing to biodiversity protection.
    • Seamless Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Our facilities are co-located with produced water treatment plants, allowing us to avoid the need for expansive ponds, pipelines, and other disruptive infrastructure. This minimizes additional environmental impact and helps protect wildlife habitats.

Integrating Planetary Boundaries and SDGs into Lithium Harvest's Sustainability Commitment

By aligning our operations with both the planetary boundaries framework and the SDGs, we not only contribute to preserving the Earth's critical systems but also play a part in achieving global sustainability targets. This dual alignment showcases our commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen who prioritizes the planet's health and its people's well-being.

Sustainable practices are not just a corporate responsibility for us - they are essential to the global effort to achieve stability, equity, and prosperity for all. Our sustainability page emphasizes the synergy between planetary boundaries and SDGs, showcasing how Lithium Harvest is at the forefront of global sustainability initiatives, driving positive change across environmental, economic, and societal levels.

While we acknowledge that nothing is perfect, we are passionate about integrating sustainability into everything we do. We live and breathe sustainability, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible through innovative thinking.

Helping Our Planet Back To 100% With A Career At Lithium Harvest

This Is Just the Beginning

At Lithium Harvest, our current projects represent the foundation of a larger vision to revolutionize lithium extraction. These initiatives are only the first steps toward a future where sustainable, efficient, and environmentally responsible methods become the industry standard. As we continue to expand, our commitment to innovation and sustainability will drive new projects that push the boundaries of what’s possible in lithium production.

Learn more about our groundbreaking projects
Sustainable Lithium Extraction For The Green Energy Transition

Contact Us

If you have any questions, ideas, or inspiration for our sustainability efforts, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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