EV Greenhouse Gas Emission Breakeven Point

Learn how sustainable lithium mining can cut EV green house gas emissions breakeven point threefold.

EVs vs. ICE - The Challenges We Face

Internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) are two of the most popular types of vehicles in the market today. ICEVs run on gasoline, diesel, or other fossil fuels, while EVs run on electricity stored in rechargeable batteries. While both types of vehicles have advantages and disadvantages, there is growing interest in EVs as a more sustainable and eco-friendly option.

One of the biggest challenges with EVs is their reliance on critical minerals for making lithium-ion batteries. Lithium is a key component of these batteries, and as demand for EVs continues to rise, so does the demand for lithium. While lithium is a relatively abundant element, its extraction and processing can have negative environmental impacts, such as water scarcity and pollution. 

To address these concerns, there is growing interest in sustainable lithium extraction methods. These methods aim to minimize the environmental impact of lithium mining and processing by turning wastewater into high-value minerals. These new sustainable extraction technologies will reduce water usage, not destroy habitats or biodiversity, and minimize waste and carbon footprint. Some companies are also exploring using recycled lithium from discarded batteries to reduce the demand for new lithium mining.

ICEVs and EVs have their unique advantages and disadvantages. While ICEVs may have a longer range and lower upfront costs, EVs are becoming increasingly affordable and have lower operating costs and fewer maintenance requirements. However, the demand for lithium-ion batteries in EVs raises concerns about sustainable lithium extraction, which must be addressed through innovative and environmentally conscious mining and processing practices. With new and more sustainable lithium extraction technologies, it is possible to reduce the environmental footprint of battery production for a cleaner future.

How EVs Reduce the Environmental Impact of Transportation

It is now well-established that electric vehicles (EVs) have significantly lower life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Numerous sources (ICCT, Transport & Environment, BloombergNEF, and IEA) have conducted extensive life-cycle assessments to support this conclusion.

Transport & Environment, a clean transportation advocacy group, has calculated that the life-cycle emissions of an electric vehicle are approximately 16.9 tons of CO₂ compared to 54.3 tons of CO₂ for a gasoline vehicle - a reduction of almost 70%! While producing an electric vehicle is still associated with slightly higher CO₂ emissions than a gasoline vehicle due to the battery, the two vehicles reach a break-even point from a CO₂ emission perspective after only 18,000 km of use.

How EV Development is Driving Lithium Demand and Innovation
How Evs Redue The Environmental Impact Of Transportation

Revolutionizing EV Sustainability: How We Make It Even Greener

Discoer the transformative power of Lithium Harvest in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Our groundbreaking approach showcases how we're not just changing the game - we're redefining it. Dive into our commitment to environmental stewardship and our pivotal role in the sustainable evolution of EVs.

However, the production process of the battery used in electric vehicles is pivotal in determining their overall environmental footprint. 

At Lithium Harvest, we leverage our innovative Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) solution, which is specifically designed to minimize environmental impact. This proprietary technology, focused on extracting lithium from oilfield wastewater, contributes to a greener supply chain throughout battery production. By integrating our sustainable lithium extraction methods, we estimate that the battery life-cycle emissions could be reduced by over 50%. This advancement means an electric vehicle could become as environmentally friendly as a gasoline vehicle after just 6,000 km (see the chart above).

Our DLE technology, recognized as the most sustainable method for lithium production, showcases remarkable environmental benefits. In addition to a significantly lower CO₂ footprint than traditional lithium sources, we estimate that our process can save between 15 and 20m³ of water and free up between 50 and 100m² of land per electric car produced. This approach not only aligns with our commitment to sustainable mining practices but also sets a new standard in responsible lithium production for the rapidly growing electric vehicle and battery markets.

Learn more about our solution

The Car Industry Is Moving Toward EVs

The automobile industry is rapidly transitioning towards electric vehicles (EVs) due to increasing consumer demand for more eco-friendly and sustainable transportation options. According to a report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, EVs are projected to make up 70% of global passenger car sales by 2040. In addition, many governments worldwide are implementing policies to encourage EV use, such as tax incentives, rebates, and subsidies for EV purchases, as well as mandates for automakers to produce more low-emission vehicles.

Major automakers have also announced ambitious plans to transition towards EVs in the coming years, with some companies pledging to phase out the production of gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles altogether. For example, Volvo has committed to producing only electric vehicles by 2030, and General Motors plans to sell only EVs by 2035.

This shift towards electric vehicles marks a significant turning point for the automotive industry as it moves towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

Before 2030

Before 2035

Before 2040

Before 2050

Countries Denmark Ireland, Island, Sweden, Israel, Netherlands, Singapore, Slovenia, and UK will ban ICE vehicle sales (Norway already in 2025). Cabo Verde, China, Japan, Canada, California. US, the rest of EU to ban ICE vehicle sales France, Spain, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam ban ICE vehicle sales Costa Rica ban ICE vehicle sales
Volkswagen 1.5 million electric cars to be produced (already in 2025) Stops ICE vehicle sales - -
Volvo 50% of global sales to be fully electric cars (already in 2025) - - -
Toyota 40 new or updated electrified models, including at least one PHEV a year (already in 2025) - - Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
Jaguar Stops ICE vehicle sales (already in 2025) - - -
Bentley Stops ICE vehicle sales - - -
Tesla Aim to sell 20,000,000 EVs - - -
Mercedes-Benz More than 50% of Mercedes-Benz global car sales to be electric - Stop ICE vehicle sales -
Hyundai Aims to sell 3.5 million EVs globally - All gas cars will be phased out -
Nissan - All new models in its lineup will be powered entirely by electricity - Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
General Motors - Aim to stop selling ICE cars by 2035 - -
Ford - - Signed a pledge to phase out all of its fossil fuel vehicles by 2040 -
Renault - - - Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
Mazda - - - Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
BMW - - - Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
Mitsubishi Motors - - - Stop ICE vehicle sales globally

Before 2030

Countries Denmark Ireland, Island, Sweden, Israel, Netherlands, Singapore, Slovenia, and UK will ban ICE vehicle sales (Norway already in 2025).
Volkswagen 1.5 million electric cars to be produced (already in 2025)
Volvo 50% of global sales to be fully electric cars (already in 2025)
Toyota 40 new or updated electrified models, including at least one PHEV a year (already in 2025)
Jaguar Stops ICE vehicle sales (already in 2025)
Bentley Stops ICE vehicle sales
Tesla Aim to sell 20,000,000 EVs
Mercedes-Benz More than 50% of Mercedes-Benz global car sales to be electric
Hyundai Aims to sell 3.5 million EVs globally
Nissan -
General Motors -
Ford -
Renault -
Mazda -
Mitsubishi Motors -

Before 2035

Countries Cabo Verde, China, Japan, Canada, California. US, the rest of EU to ban ICE vehicle sales
Volkswagen Stops ICE vehicle sales
Volvo -
Toyota -
Jaguar -
Bentley -
Tesla -
Mercedes-Benz -
Hyundai -
Nissan All new models in its lineup will be powered entirely by electricity
General Motors Aim to stop selling ICE cars by 2035
Ford -
Renault -
Mazda -
Mitsubishi Motors -

Before 2040

Countries France, Spain, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam ban ICE vehicle sales
Volkswagen -
Volvo -
Toyota -
Jaguar -
Bentley -
Tesla -
Mercedes-Benz Stop ICE vehicle sales
Hyundai All gas cars will be phased out
Nissan -
General Motors -
Ford Signed a pledge to phase out all of its fossil fuel vehicles by 2040
Renault -
Mazda -
Mitsubishi Motors -

Before 2050

Countries Costa Rica ban ICE vehicle sales
Volkswagen -
Volvo -
Toyota Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
Jaguar -
Bentley -
Tesla -
Mercedes-Benz -
Hyundai -
Nissan Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
General Motors -
Ford -
Renault Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
Mazda Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
BMW Stop ICE vehicle sales globally
Mitsubishi Motors Stop ICE vehicle sales globally

A Circular and Responsible Battery Value Chain for EVs

At Lithium Harvest, we understand that a circular and responsible battery value chain is crucial to achieving global climate goals. As the automobile industry rapidly moves towards electric vehicles, establishing a sustainable battery value chain for a cleaner future is more important than ever. With our technology, we can make the world’s most sustainable lithium by turning wastewater into a valuable resource. Together, we can change the lithium industry, make EV production even more sustainable, and build a better world for future generations.

Learn more about the world’s most sustainable lithium
Sustainable Battery Value Chain For Evs