EV Myths Busted: Clearing the Air on Electric Vehicles

Discover the truth behind electric vehicles as we bust common myths and misconceptions.


In recent years, the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) has sparked both excitement and skepticism. Despite their clear advantages in terms of sustainability and efficiency, misinformation continues to circulate, creating confusion about their viability. The future is electric and, yes, greener than you might think. If we are going to truly make a difference and accelerate the green energy transition, electrifying transportation is a key step. But despite all the progress, plenty of myths are hanging around. Let’s break down some of the most common myths about EVs and set the record straight.

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Myth 1: EVs Have Short Ranges and Are not Practical for Long Trips

Many believe EVs won't get them far enough on a single charge. However, most modern EVs offer a range of 200 to 300 miles (300-500 km) on a full charge, which easily covers the daily driving needs of most households. For example, in the U.S., 85% of drivers travel less than 100 miles (160 km) a day.

And what about long trips? With the rapid expansion of fast-charging networks, recharging your EV during a road trip is becoming more convenient - taking as little as 10 to 30 minutes while you grab a coffee or take a break. Plus, many of us already charge our EVs at home while cooking dinner or sleeping, eliminating the need for trips to the gas station. No more wasted time at the pump - and no more impulse hot dog purchases! (Though, you can still grab one at a fast-charging station if you miss them.)

Myth 2: EVs Take Too Long to Charge

One of the most persistent myths is that EVs take too long to charge compared to filling up a gasoline tank. While it is true that charging an EV takes longer than refueling a traditional car, charging times are improving rapidly. Most daily driving can be covered by home charging overnight, which is convenient and means you wake up to a fully charged car every morning. For longer trips, fast chargers are becoming more common, and many EVs can now charge up to 80% in just 15-30 minutes at a fast-charging station.

In addition, innovations in battery technology are continuously reducing charging times. Some EVs already support ultra-fast charging that can add hundreds of miles of range in just a few minutes.

Myth 3: EV Batteries Don’t Last Long

A common concern is that EV batteries degrade quickly, requiring costly replacements. However, modern EV batteries are designed to last the vehicle's lifetime, typically covering 150,000 to 200,000 miles (240-320,000 km) or more. With proper care and maintenance, EV batteries, on average, decline only 1.8% per year and can, therefore, last 10 to 20 years, far outlasting the average 8-year lifespan of a gasoline vehicle, which tends to max out around 150,000 miles. 

Manufacturers are confident in the longevity of their EV batteries, often offering warranties of 8 to 10 years or 100,000 miles (160,000 km). For example, Volkswagen provides up to 100,000 miles of warranty coverage for its EV batteries compared to 60,000 miles (100,000 km) for its gasoline-powered vehicles.

Not only do EVs last longer, but their environmental benefits become more pronounced as they remain in service. Over time, their lower emissions and reduced maintenance needs make them more cost-effective and eco-friendly than ICE vehicles. Battery technologies are continually improving, and many EV batteries retain 80% of their capacity even after eight years, and that technology is already improving.

Myth 4: EVs Tend to Catch Fire

This is a common scare tactic, but the truth is that EVs are no more likely to catch fire than traditional gasoline vehicles. In fact, EVs may be even less prone to fires due to their simpler powertrains. According to Norway's Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB), a country with one of the highest rates of EV adoption, petrol and diesel cars are four to five times more likely to catch fire than EVs.

Similarly, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) reported that in 2022, only 23 fires occurred in 611,000 EVs - equating to a 0.004% fire rate. By comparison, petrol and diesel vehicles had 3,400 fires out of 4.4 million vehicles, a rate of 0.08%, making ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles 20 times more likely to catch fire.

Research backs this up: According to James Edmondson, Research Director at IDTechEx, EVs represent far fewer reported fires than expected, given their market share. In fact, estimates from the Phosphorous, Inorganic & Nitrogen Flame Retardants Association show 55 fires per billion miles traveled for gasoline cars compared to only five fires per billion miles for EVs. Another study from AutoinsuranceEX found that EVs have 61 times fewer fires per 100,000 sales than ICE vehicles​.

While no vehicle fire is ideal, EVs are statistically safer than their gasoline counterparts in terms of fire risk.

Myth 5: There Are Insufficient Raw Materials for All Vehicles to Be EVs

It is true that critical materials like lithium and cobalt are finite, and there are concerns about future shortages, particularly with the skyrocketing demand for EVs. However, lithium constitutes about 0.002 percent of the Earth's crust, making it the 25th most abundant element. While we face challenges in ramping up lithium supply to meet demand, global reserves are ample. With responsible, innovative extraction practices, the world has enough resources to support the transition to EVs.

To address potential supply issues, innovations in battery recycling and alternative chemistries are advancing rapidly. Up to 95% of the metals in EV batteries can be recycled and reused, reducing the need for raw materials. Moreover, battery technologies are being developed to diversify resources and improve chemistries.

Recognizing the importance of lithium, major economies like the U.S. and Europe have designated it as a critical raw material essential for economic and technological stability. This has led to efforts to scale and accelerate sustainable lithium extraction to ensure supply keeps pace with growing EV demand.

In summary, while meeting demand is challenging, the world has sufficient resources and is developing the necessary technologies and strategies to ensure EV adoption can scale sustainably.

Myth 6: An EV Has to Travel 50,000+ Miles to Break Even on Emissions

This myth is outdated. Recent studies show that EVs offset their higher production emissions after just 11,000 miles (18,000 km), after which their carbon footprint becomes significantly lower than gasoline cars. As noted in lifecycle assessments by Transport & Environment, the total lifecycle emissions of a medium-sized EV are approximately 16.9 tons of CO₂, compared to 54.3 tons for a gasoline vehicle - nearly a 70% reduction!

In the U.S., battery electric vehicles (BEVs) already exhibit 45% to 65% lower lifecycle emissions than hybrids and gasoline cars. Over a medium-sized BEV’s lifetime, this translates to 50 tonnes of CO₂-equivalent savings, demonstrating the substantial environmental benefits of going electric.

Imagine cutting billions of tons of CO₂ emissions. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that by 2035, widespread EV adoption could prevent around 2.6 gigatonnes of CO₂ emissions globally, the equivalent of taking millions of cars off the road forever.

Innovations, like Lithium Harvest’s sustainable extraction solution, further reduce battery emissions by 47%, enabling EVs to reach breakeven after just 3,500 miles (6,000 km) - three times faster than previously thought. This rapid reduction in lifecycle emissions makes EVs an even more compelling choice for reducing our environmental impact.

Learn more about EVs breakeven point

Myth 7: EV Batteries Cannot Be Recycled

A common misconception is that EV batteries end up in landfills after they reach the end of their life. In reality, battery recycling is rapidly advancing, and the industry is growing as demand for EVs increases. Companies worldwide are developing and refining methods to recover and reuse critical materials like lithium, cobalt, and nickel, essential components of EV batteries.

Many battery manufacturers already use recycled materials in new battery production, helping close the loop and make EVs even more sustainable. For instance, some companies can recycle large-scale batteries, enabling the extraction and reuse of up to 95% of the valuable materials from old batteries.

Additionally, as EV battery technology improves, second-life applications are emerging. Before recycling, many EV batteries can still be used in stationary energy storage systems, such as storing excess renewable energy from solar and wind. This extends their useful life before they even enter the recycling process.

In Europe, the Battery Directive is pushing for stricter regulations on battery recycling, and the U.S. Department of Energy has also launched initiatives like the ReCell Center to advance battery recycling technologies. As these efforts gain momentum, we will likely see even higher recovery rates and more widespread recycling infrastructure.

The idea that EV batteries are not recyclable is a myth. Recycling and reuse technologies are available and growing rapidly, ensuring EVs become more sustainable with every innovation.

Myth 8: There Is No Charging Infrastructure for EVs

A common misconception is that there isn’t enough charging infrastructure to support the growing number of EVs on the road. While expanding the charging network is a work in progress, governments and private companies are making significant investments to scale up public charging infrastructure globally.

In 2023, public chargers grew by more than 40%, with fast chargers outpacing slow chargers by 55%. Fast chargers now make up over 35% of public charging stock, and these numbers are rapidly increasing.

In Europe, new legislation under the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) will require public fast chargers every 60 km along major transport corridors, ensuring sufficient chargers are available to meet growing demand. This will guarantee 1.3 kW of public chargers for each registered BEV.

The U.S. is also making significant strides, with plans to build 500,000 public chargers by 2030. More than 180,000 public chargers are already installed, and funding has been allocated to repair or replace outdated infrastructure.

Many governments are shifting their focus from vehicle subsidies to charging infrastructure investments, as seen in the UK, where public charging incentives remain while subsidies for private EVs have been phased out. The UK expects to have 300,000 public chargers by 2030.

As charging infrastructure continues to grow, interoperability is also improving. In North America, the North American Charging Standard (NACS) is becoming the industry standard, providing EV drivers with more reliable and consistent charging options. This move is mirrored by European efforts to harmonize charging standards through AFIR, ensuring more accessible and equitable access to charging networks.

In summary, the belief that there is insufficient charging infrastructure is outdated. Public chargers are growing rapidly, and governments are committed to ensuring that charging is accessible, reliable, and convenient for all EV drivers. Yes, it is not 100% ideal yet, but we are getting there!

Learn more about charging infrastructure.

Myth 9: The Power Grid Can't Handle the Demand from EVs

With millions of EVs projected to be on the roads in the coming years, concerns about grid capacity are understandable. However, the reality is that most EV charging occurs at night during off-peak hours, when electricity demand is lower, which helps prevent strain on the grid. In fact, studies show that current power grids in many regions are well-equipped to handle increased EV adoption without requiring significant infrastructure changes​.

Furthermore, smart charging technologies are emerging that allow EVs to charge when electricity demand is low, such as overnight or during periods of high renewable energy generation (e.g., sunny days or windy conditions). These systems can adjust the charging speed to balance the load, ensuring grid stability.

In regions like California, where there is already a significant number of EVs on the road, grid impact has been minimal. In fact, EV charging accounts for less than 1% of total grid load during peak hours. California’s power grid operator, CAISO, expects that with smart charging and V2G technology, the grid can handle even higher levels of EV adoption.

Moreover, EVs can help accelerate the transition to renewable energy. With the increasing use of renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, EVs can be charged during times of surplus green energy production. This makes charging greener and helps integrate renewables into the grid more efficiently.

In the long term, governments and utilities are investing in grid modernization to ensure that electricity distribution systems can meet future demands. Programs like the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Build a Better Grid Initiative” are set to provide billions of dollars for upgrading grid infrastructure, making it more resilient, flexible, and ready to support widespread EV use. According to IEA in the NZE Scenario, global transmission and distribution grids expand by around 2 million kilometers annually through 2030 to keep up with rising electricity generation and consumption. This represents a 20% grid expansion from 2022 to 2030. Looking further ahead, the total length of grids worldwide will be more than double by 2050 to support increased electrification. 

The idea that the grid can’t handle EV demand is a myth. With the right technologies, EVs can support grid stability, and planned infrastructure improvements will ensure the grid can meet future energy needs.

Myth 10: Hydrogen Cars Are More Sustainable Than EVs

Hydrogen vehicles are often seen as a futuristic solution, but the reality is more complex than BEVs. While hydrogen fuel cells might have potential in heavy-duty transport like long-haul trucking, battery-powered EVs are much more energy-efficient for passenger cars.

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCEVs) are electric cars, too, as they use fuel cells to convert hydrogen into electricity to power an electric motor. However, this process is highly inefficient compared to battery-powered EVs. Hydrogen fuel cells are about 38-50% efficient, meaning much energy is lost during production, storage, and conversion. In contrast, EV batteries are around 80-90% efficient, meaning more energy is directly used to power the vehicle.

Additionally, producing hydrogen, especially "green hydrogen" from renewable sources, requires significant electricity and water. Most hydrogen today is made using fossil fuels (known as "grey hydrogen"), which produces more emissions than the electricity used to charge EVs.

Building a hydrogen-friendly infrastructure is another challenge. While hydrogen vehicles can refuel quickly, setting up a network of hydrogen stations is extremely expensive and logistically challenging. Currently, most hydrogen refueling stations are concentrated in areas like California, with very limited availability elsewhere. In contrast, EV charging stations can be installed virtually anywhere there’s access to electricity, and the infrastructure for EVs is already much more widespread and continues to grow rapidly.

In summary, while hydrogen might have specific applications, particularly in heavy industry or transport, battery-powered EVs are more practical and sustainable due to their higher efficiency, better infrastructure, and lower emissions impact.

Myth 11: EVs Are Too Expensive

While EVs may have a higher upfront cost than gasoline vehicles in some markets, they are cheaper to operate over their lifetime due to lower fuel and maintenance costs. As battery prices continue to fall and competition intensifies - particularly in China - the affordability gap is narrowing. In fact, in 2023, more than 60% of electric cars sold in China were already cheaper than their gasoline equivalents. However, in markets like Europe and the U.S., EVs can still be 10% to 50% more expensive, depending on the segment.

The landscape is changing quickly. Smaller, more affordable electric models, especially those introduced by Chinese automakers, are making headway globally and are expected to accelerate mass-market uptake. As second-hand EV markets expand, particularly in countries like China, the U.S., and Europe, used electric cars are becoming more competitively priced than gasoline vehicles. In 2023, the second-hand EV market grew to around 800,000 in China and 400,000 in the U.S., with similar growth across Europe.

Looking ahead, price parity between EVs and ICE vehicles could be reached as soon as 2030 in major markets outside China. With technological advancement and economies of scale, the cost of battery cells - the most expensive part of EVs - has dropped by 73% since 2014. This significant price reduction has paved the way for automakers like General Motors, Stellantis, and Ford to release West-made EVs in the $25,000 price range within the next 1-2 years. Government incentives and tax credits further enhance the financial appeal of EVs, making them an increasingly viable option for consumers worldwide.

In summary, while EVs may still seem expensive upfront, their total cost of ownership is often lower, making them a financially sound choice in the long run. Keep in mind that lower–priced EVs are already here, and more will come.

Myth 12: EVs Are Ugly

This myth comes from the early days of EVs, when designs focused more on practicality and efficiency than aesthetics. However, today's EVs offer a wide variety of sleek, modern designs from automakers like Tesla, Porsche, BMW, and Audi, demonstrating that electric cars can be just as stylish as traditional vehicles. Models like the Tesla Model S, Porsche Taycan, and Hyundai Ioniq 5 are often praised for their futuristic, aerodynamic looks.

We acknowledge that taste in car design is subjective, and what appeals to one person may not appeal to another. However, it is worth noting that car design has continually evolved over the years, driven by changing consumer preferences and technological advances. The growing EV market offers more diverse and exciting designs than ever, making finding an EV that suits your style easier.

Myth 13: EVs Don’t Feel Like Real Cars

Some drivers think that because EVs do not have the rumble of a traditional gasoline engine or the same shifting gears, they do not feel like “real” cars. However, this perception is changing as more people experience the unique benefits of driving EVs. EVs offer instant torque and smooth acceleration, making them feel faster and more responsive than many traditional vehicles.

The absence of engine noise might feel unusual at first, but for many, it enhances the driving experience by creating a quiet, calm cabin environment. Imagine listening to your favorite songs with crystal-clear sound, free from engine noise. You can also have easier conversations with passengers, whether talking to your kids in the backseat or catching up with a friend during a road trip, without raising your voice over the sound of the engine.

Additionally, the regenerative braking system in EVs gives drivers more control, contributing to a smoother and more dynamic driving experience. It can take some time to get used to, but many drivers appreciate how it allows them to recover energy while braking and extends the car's range.

We acknowledge that the feel of a car is subjective, and what makes a car "real" varies for everyone. However, automotive technology has continually evolved, and EVs represent a new era of driving - offering an innovative, exciting experience that is distinct but no less enjoyable than traditional cars.


The truth is that EVs are not just a cleaner alternative to traditional cars - they are also becoming more affordable, reliable, and practical. As the technology continues to improve and the infrastructure expands, many misconceptions holding people back from switching to EVs will fade away.

At Lithium Harvest, we are committed to making lithium and other critical minerals - vital components of EV batteries - more sustainable and cost-effective. Our innovative approach to lithium extraction ensures that we reduce the environmental impact of sourcing these materials, helping to accelerate the adoption of EVs. By making the supply chain for EV batteries greener and more efficient, we are doing our part to drive the green energy transition forward. Together, we can electrify transportation and create a more sustainable future.

Learn more about our revolutionary solutions