Lithium Market

A sustainable opportunity for the oil and gas industry - are you ready to join us?

Introduction to the Lithium Market

The global lithium market is witnessing an unprecedented surge, primarily fueled by the escalating demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy storage solutions. This burgeoning demand underscores a critical juncture for the lithium industry, emphasizing not just the need for increased production but also innovation in how this essential element is sourced and processed sustainably.

The shift towards sustainability is not just a trend but a fundamental change in the lithium market's dynamics. Consumers, investors, and regulatory bodies are increasingly prioritizing environmental responsibility, propelling the demand for lithium extracted through methods that minimize the environmental impact. This focus on sustainability is reshaping the industry, compelling companies to adopt extraction technologies that are not only efficient but also environmentally friendly.

For the oil and gas industry, partnering with a sustainable lithium extraction leader represents a strategic pivot that aligns with global sustainability goals while tapping into a lucrative and rapidly expanding market. By leveraging innovative technologies, such as extracting lithium from oilfield wastewater, your company can transform environmental challenges into economic opportunities. 

As we delve deeper into the lithium market below, it will be clear that the path forward is paved with opportunities for those who prioritize sustainability. For oil and midstream companies, this is a chance to redefine your role in the energy sector, contributing to a sustainable future while capitalizing on the growing demand for lithium, especially sustainable lithium.

Why is Lithium So Important?

Lithium is the lightest metal on Earth and can be extracted from ore or brines. Lithium constitutes about 0.002 percent of the Earth's crust, making it the 25th most abundant element. Despite its modest abundance, lithium's high reactivity means it doesn't exist in a pure form in nature. Instead, it's primarily found in granitic pegmatites and continental brines, where it's extracted for use.

At the heart of the green energy transition, lithium's significance cannot be overstated. From electric vehicles (EVs) to renewable energy storage systems, clean energy technologies depend heavily on metals like lithium. Lithium's unique combination of low weight and high energy storage capacity makes it the ideal material for batteries, enabling efficient energy storage. Lithium is also used in other applications like ceramics and glass, lubricating greases, casting powder, polymer production, air treatment, etc.

In essence, lithium is not just a metal; it's a cornerstone of the movement toward cleaner, renewable energy sources. Its role in energy storage solutions highlights its critical importance in achieving a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy future.

Lithium Compunds And Batteries

The Booming Lithium Market

Exponential Growth and Forecasts: The demand for lithium has seen remarkable growth, doubling between 2019 and 2021. This demand is projected to quadruple by 2030, fueled by the accelerated adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and the expanding need for renewable energy storage solutions. The future outlook suggests an even more dramatic increase, with the market expected to experience a ninefold growth in lithium demand by 2040 compared to 2022.

Supply Challenges and Environmental Concerns: Despite the soaring demand, lithium's supply chain faces significant challenges. Production is highly concentrated in a few countries, and traditional extraction methods - either from ore or continental brines - are highly unsustainable. This has led to delays and cancellations of new lithium projects due to environmental concerns and difficulty obtaining new permits.

A Critical Juncture: The International Energy Agency (IEA) has predicted a potential lithium shortage by 2025, highlighting the urgent need for more sustainable and diversified production methods. The industry stands at a critical juncture, requiring innovation to ensure that lithium can continue to fuel the shift toward renewable energy without exacerbating environmental challenges.

The Path Forward: The booming lithium market represents not only a remarkable opportunity for growth but also a call to action for developing more responsible extraction techniques. As the world leans more heavily on lithium to power its green transition, the emphasis on sustainable practices becomes increasingly crucial. 

Lithium Market Balance For Oil And Gas Industry Partnerships

Global Battery Gigafactory Capacity: A New Lithium Deficit?

As the push for electrification gains momentum, scaling up battery mega-factories is crucial for supporting the escalating demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and systems for storing renewable energy. Yet this swift expansion brings to the forefront a significant issue: the anticipated shortfall of lithium, an essential element in lithium-ion batteries.

Data from Benchmark's Lithium-ion Battery Database and Lithium Forecast reveal that the expected lithium resources will only be adequate for generating 3,200 GWh of lithium-ion batteries by 2030. This concern is magnified by the fact that should all proposed giga-factories commence operations by 2030, only 36% of their capacity can be met without significant investments in lithium supply chains.

This situation highlights a crucial bottleneck: the availability of lithium supplies is becoming the primary constraint on battery manufacturing. The widening discrepancy between mega-factories' capacity and the obtainable lithium supply indicates an impending shortage, which could markedly hinder the progress of the global shift towards renewable energy.

Global Battery Gigafactory Capacity

Rapid Growth of U.S. Demand & Battery Manufacturing

The lithium market is at the forefront of the green energy transition, with demand for this vital battery component skyrocketing. This surge is closely tied to the global embrace of electric vehicles (EVs), significantly pushed by legislative milestones such as the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, the European Critical Raw Material Act, and other global alliances. These legislative frameworks catalyze the EV supply chain's growth, heralding a new era for critical minerals.

By 2025, it's projected that U.S. battery manufacturing capacity will hit an impressive 750 GWh, a substantial jump from today's nearly 100 GWh. This expansion isn't merely growth; it represents a monumental shift towards sustainable energy solutions, with projections suggesting a leap to over 1300 GWh by 2030. This increase, more than 13x times from current levels, is backed by the planned establishment of approximately 45 giga-factories across the U.S., aiming for a combined capacity that eclipses 1300 GWh by the end of the decade.

The U.S. will require an estimated 1.2 million tons of Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE) to fuel this massive scale-up in battery production.

Europe is on a parallel path, with plans for over 50 giga-factories designed to boost production capacity to nearly 1500 GWh by 2030, up from the current 100 GWh. This ambitious goal will demand close to 1.4 million tons of LCE.

Regulatory Tailwinds

The Inflation Reduction Act in the U.S., the Critical Raw Materials Act in Europe, and strategic global partnerships are pivotal in securing domestic lithium supply chains critical for electrification and the green energy transition. Recognizing the challenge of a supply chain heavily reliant on a few countries amid soaring demand, these legislative measures aim to reduce dependency and bolster domestic production.

  • Global Alliances

    An expanding alliance of nations, cities, corporate entities, and educational institutions is committing to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. Over 70 nations, among them the most significant contributors to pollution – including China, the United States, and the European Union – have established goals for net-zero emissions, accounting for approximately 76% of the world's emissions. In line with the principles of climate science, over 3,000 corporations and financial organizations are collaborating with the Science-Based Targets Initiative to mitigate their carbon footprint. Additionally, over 1,000 cities, over 1,000 educational bodies, and upwards of 400 financial entities have engaged in the Race to Zero campaign, aiming to implement stringent, immediate measures to cut global emissions by half by 2030.

    Realizing this transition demands a greater reliance on energy storage technologies, like Lithium-ion batteries, alongside a broader move towards electrified transport systems.

  • The Inflation Reduction Act

    The Inflation Reduction Act marks a pivotal advancement for the United States in its quest for lithium independence, essential for the expanding electric vehicle (EV) industry and renewable energy initiatives. In an ambitious effort to strengthen national capabilities, the U.S. government introduced the National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries 2021-2030. This plan provides a detailed strategy to establish a durable battery material and technology supply chain within the U.S. Its objectives include promoting increased EV production domestically and diversifying critical mineral sourcing from allies under free-trade agreements, aiming to diminish reliance on external powers.

    This legislative action is steering a transformation in the global supply chain dynamics, moving towards a landscape where raw material sources are geographically diverse and secure. The U.S. is proactively broadening its supply chain initiatives, demonstrated through negotiations with the European Union (EU) to extend beneficial U.S. tax credits. This strategy aligns with the EU's efforts to secure reliable raw material sources, fostering a potential joint EV ecosystem between the two powers.

    Yet, the path forward presents significant challenges. The situation underscores a critical transition period with U.S. production well below the critical 100,000 metric tons per annum mark. Efforts to secure a steady supply of lithium and other essential materials are crucial for advancing. 

  • The European Critical Raw Material Act

    The European Union's Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Action Plan, announced in March 2023, represents a comprehensive strategy to bolster the EU's self-reliance and resilience in supplying critical raw materials essential for the green transition and digital economy. Recognizing the importance of these materials, the EU has set ambitious benchmarks to enhance domestic capacities and diversify supply sources by 2030. These benchmarks include achieving at least 10% of the EU's annual consumption through extraction within its borders, processing at least 40% of its annual consumption, recycling at least 15%, and limiting reliance on a single third country for no more than 65% of yearly consumption at any processing stage.

    The CRM Action Plan aims to streamline administrative processes and simplify permitting for projects involving critical raw materials within the EU to achieve these goals. It underscores the importance of adopting innovative technologies in processing and recycling materials. While acknowledging the challenge of achieving complete self-sufficiency, the EU emphasizes the need for global production support and supply diversification to ensure a stable and secure supply of critical raw materials.

    The Action Plan outlines a strategy for the EU to enhance its international engagement with reliable partners, aiming to foster investment, promote stability in international trade, and offer legal certainty to investors. It includes measures for monitoring critical raw material supply chains to enhance their resilience. Additionally, the plan focuses on improving the sustainability and circularity of critical raw materials used within the EU, including the establishment of a Raw Materials Academy to enhance workforce skills in this sector and the development of strategic alliances with partners to support sustainable economic growth and secure diversified supply chains for the EU.

  • The European Batteries Regulation

    The European Union introduced the new EU Battery Regulation on 18 February 2024, making a decisive move towards enhancing sustainability in the battery sector. This groundbreaking regulation aims to foster a more sustainable, circular economy and ensure safer battery production and usage practices throughout the EU. It's crucial to understand that the implementation of this regulation will unfold in stages over the next few years. This phased introduction is designed to progressively tighten certain requirements, with specific aspects of the regulation still pending clarification.

    Key Obligations for Market Participants

    A fundamental aspect of the regulation mandates that battery manufacturers and importers looking to distribute their products within the European market must adhere to these newly established norms. Failure to comply may result in severe repercussions, including the possibility of market access restrictions or the withdrawal of non-compliant products, subject to the regulatory measures of individual EU member states.

    Mandatory Carbon Footprint Reporting

    A pivotal regulation requirement will be the mandatory disclosure of the carbon footprint for all batteries by 18 February 2025, covering the complete lifecycle from raw material extraction, processing, manufacturing, and recycling. It's worth noting that the battery's usage phase is presently exempt from this mandate. The goal here is to enhance transparency and stimulate the production of environmentally friendlier batteries.

    The EU Battery Regulation marks a significant stride towards ensuring that batteries not only support the green transition and sustainable mobility but also align with rigorous environmental standards throughout their lifecycle. This initiative underscores the EU's commitment to reducing the ecological footprint of batteries and leading the charge towards a climate-neutral future.
    Discover the implications of the EU Battery Regulation and its role in shaping the future of sustainable battery production and use.

    Learn more about the EU Battery Regulation.

The World Needs More Sustainable Lithium: Surge Ahead with Lithium Harvest

Capitalizing on the Demand for Sustainable Lithium: A Strategic Opportunity for the Oil and Gas Sector

As global lithium demand skyrockets, the imperative for sustainable and diversified extraction methods intensifies. Traditional mining techniques - such as open-pit mining and brine evaporation ponds - present considerable environmental concerns, including water depletion, soil degradation, and elevated carbon emissions. Lithium Harvest is at the vanguard, pioneering an innovative approach to lithium extraction from produced water, setting new industry benchmarks for environmental stewardship and operational efficiency.

Addressing the Sustainable Lithium Supply and Demand Gap

The push for sustainable lithium is not just an environmental imperative but also a business one. Key stakeholders in the EV and technology sectors, vigilant of their environmental footprint and aiming to resonate with eco-conscious consumers, are in quest of ethically sourced lithium. This paradigm shift amplifies the criticality of pioneering solutions like those developed by Lithium Harvest, which not only meet the increasing lithium demand but also do so with a steadfast commitment to ecological preservation.

In essence, transitioning to sustainable lithium extraction methods is both an environmental obligation and a calculated business strategy. Lithium Harvest is leading this transformation, offering a solution that meets the market's growing demand for lithium while championing sustainability.

This evolving landscape offers the oil and gas industry a prime opportunity to collaborate with Lithium Harvest. Such partnerships not only advance global sustainability objectives but also strategically position our partners at the vanguard of the shift towards more sustainable energy solutions, capitalizing on the lucrative and expanding market for sustainably extracted lithium.

Surge ahead of our competitors with our lithium extraction solution
Supply Demand Sustainable Lithium Forecast
We believe that our patented technology is the fastest to market and lowest cost of any lithium mining technology in the market.
Sune Mathiesen, Chairman & CEO

The Strategic Edge: Uniquely Positioned With Lithium Harvest

Unlock new horizons with existing operations in an attractive lithium market for oil and midstream companies.

Oil and midstream companies stand at a strategic crossroads, with a unique opportunity to venture into the lithium market - a move that creates viable business cases and environmental benefits. By partnering with Lithium Harvest, you can leverage your existing infrastructure and deep expertise in resource management to tap into the rapidly expanding lithium market, ensuring a competitive edge.

The demand for lithium is surging, and the market is calling for innovative and sustainable solutions. The transition to sustainable lithium extraction represents more than an environmental imperative; it's a strategic business decision. Partnering with Lithium Harvest places your company at the forefront of this shift, offering a chance to enhance sustainability credentials while capitalizing on the booming demand for lithium.

We invite your company to explore a partnership with Lithium Harvest. Together, we can meet the growing demand for lithium through sustainable extraction methods, ensuring long-term success and leadership in the clean energy revolution. Join us, and together, let's power a greener future fueled by responsible lithium extraction.

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